Over the last 24 hours, I have spoken to loved ones about connection. A friend trying to connect with her husband of decades, a mother trying to connect with her adult son, and a friend trying to connect with her sister.
The building blocks of relationships are never clean – cuts are made, slights are stored, memories accumulate – and it seems nigh impossible to have a beginner’s mind with so much history calcified.
I’m trying to learn new ways – letting go, letting them, beginning again, and yet those old ways of being are so entrenched it’s hard to be a new me. I have the memory of an elephant and the patience of Job, which means that I could endure so much hurt from you but then when my limit has topped off, I check out – completely.
My friend, Tommy, says there is nothing deader than dead love. I’ve felt that before. In 99% of my love relationships, love has not died, it has evolved. Only one relationship ended bitterly with me wishing I had never met the person. Perhaps that is why they continue to be an outlier and one that leaped over into my list of regrets.
Regrets, I have a few.
It’s the outliers that really make you who you become next though. I’m not the same Rachel. That’s a good thing. Yet, it has been 14 years since I’ve had a relationship (read: that lasted over three months) and this means I don’t really know who Rachel in love is anymore.
My connections are forged through friendships, as a parent, as an aunt, colleague, sister, niece, cousin – these connections I work on and hopefully they have helped me evolve into a better version of myself. It’s possible – being a woman – that these connections will be what remains.
I’m in the autumn of my life – this has always been a profound season of nostalgia for me – I don’t want to lean back into nostalgia though I want to be a pioneer into leaning forward into all the connections that await.
More will be revealed.