One diagnosis to go
I went to see Sylvi Beaumont, Chiropractor, today the wonder woman of healing on Oak Street. She said my hip got dislodged from its socket, but my muscles have tightened and hardened so much around there that it can’t get back in. My homework is to walk on tip toes with my arms up around the house trying to rock my hip back in its cradle. Everyone and their mother recommended this chiropractor and I know why – she’s like Edna from The Incredibles, small but dynamite. The strained muscle, sore piriformis, was none of the above, thank you very little self-diagnosis. It is my hip out of its socket. Lord Today! No wonder this has gotten worse not better. I’m back in tomorrow for another work over to force my hip back in. Meanwhile, tippy toes, people.
My other diagnosis is next week when I go in for the ultrasound to find out about the growth on my thyroid.
I scheduled meditation back into my life – there has been a void since it left that has been filled by an ever increasing concentric circle of tightness – everywhere – the old gripping to things that no longer serve me manifested in a hip trying desperately to hold onto its old familiar habit of being – its goal is spot on, its method is faulty – in gripping it’s not letting things fall into place naturally.
Note to self.
October 2nd, 2014 at 2:40 pm
Tippy toes ballerina… You must be SO cute!
Praying for you, ma belle amie. Always.
October 3rd, 2014 at 8:28 am
Thanks Mudd – I always feel YOUR prayers.