Idle hands

I spoke with a furloughed government employee yesterday who said that last time this happened – with Gingrich and Clinton – that salaries were actually restored to furloughed employees. Really? I said, somewhat vexed that now with the debt crisis we would be paying for an extended vacation of government employees. It’s not that I don’t sympathize with them not getting a paycheck but since I work for myself, and I never got to even take an evacacation for the 2005 Federal Flood, much less for Gustav or even Isaac, I’m loathe to have my tax dollars paying for untold government employees getting their yardwork done.

So I propose all of the furloughed employees use their time off to do the handiwork that those of us still in the trenches do not have time for – call your Congress person, call the Senate, call the President, write letters, march, protest and tell these politicians you think it shows a lack of emotional maturity for them to stop the government from functioning while they cannot come to an agreement. Tell them that we all deserve universal health care. Tell them that we are sick of this country being run by a privileged, mostly male, mostly white, elite who thinks it is okay to build their wealth on our backs and then give us nothing in return.

Tell them for me.


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