My positive vibe boomeranged

The other day at Fortier Fest, I met this guy who lives in DC but who is from here and we connected over real estate and Tibetan flags. So yesterday, when it was the last day of Jazz Fest, and the most gorgeous day except for some chilly blusters of wind, I sat here thinking I would love to go to the Fest and Mr. DC pinged me and asked if I was going and asked if I wanted a free ticket. “Why yes, don’t mind if I do.”

I have been floating on air for the past few days because on Friday, I went to see four houses with my real estate agent and the first one I looked at, which is one I happened to come across driving down that street accidentally, turned out to be MY house. Although I’ve been leaning more and more towards building my own house, I had just learned on Thursday that the big park like lot I had put an offer in for had fallen through, and so I went out Friday morning curious but not expecting anything.

When I entered the house, I got chill bumps and immediately asked my agent what was wrong with it because from what I was seeing, I didn’t see anything wrong with it at all. So we wrote an offer, and they countered, and we accepted and I BOUGHT A HOUSE! I’m so psyched that I could just spit. It has everything I was looking for and more (read: it needs nothing but some external things that I can do on my own time), and on the big lot on the next block is where Morris Jeff is building their permanent school – this is a school that we had looked at for Tin and so it is an exciting possibility.

I’m a block from the streetcar, seven blocks from the bayou, and tickled pink that by the end of June I will once again be able to sleep in my bed again (this day bed has turned me into a corpse).

But back to the Fest – I went in and bought a ball gown, and two works of art – not because I have a nickel to my name – but because I was riding on some positive crazy energy from the house and just felt on top of the world. Mr. DC later text me: “Guess you put a positive vibe into the universe and the universe responded.”

Guess I did.

7 Responses to “My positive vibe boomeranged”

  1. Mudd Says:

    “I BOUGHT A HOUSE” = that sentence looks MIGHTY pretty.


  2. Rachel Says:

    Thanks Mudd – I just can’t wait to move in.

  3. Mudd Says:

    I can very well imagine — I myself can’t wait
    to move on July 1st. And yes, am trying my
    best not to live OVER THERE and live in the


  4. Rachel Says:

    It’s tough – today I felt like I was imploding, Mudd.

  5. Mudd Says:

    Awwww… sending you sweet vibes, ma belle amie.
    Very soon, now, we will be free!

    (well, YOU will… I’ll still be renting. but hey, won’t be in a BASEMENT)


  6. Rachel Says:

    Mudd – I have half the population lauding the advantages of renting – so like I said this is a #secondworldproblem. But we are both moving at the same time – how coincidental – not!

  7. Alice Says:

    my calendar tells me you have just under a week more. You must be excited and busy now! I’ll be looking forward to “seeing” it very soon.

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