Don’t run from your karma

I met an interesting woman at the conference this weekend, her name is Lynn Jericho. She was doing a workshop on Anthroposophy, Rudolph Steiner’s philosophy that I still find is so steeped in esoteric vocabulary that it’s difficult for me to plunge the depths of Steiner. So I was looking forward to the session to learn more about this man’s writings and teachings.

It was a fascinating session both from staring into the blue, blue eyes of the guy sitting next to me for one minute that seemed eternal to hearing Lynn invite us into a world of non-judgment. She welcomed us into the session saying that it was going to be about Knowing Thyself. Well, I thought, I couldn’t have come to a better place, since that seems to be what I’m seeking.

The big take away from Lynn’s talk was “don’t run from your karma” – and so I’ve returned to New Orleans and am here, arms wide open, mind rested, ready for my karma.

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