Time is irrelevant

I’ve often wondered why it has taken me so long to get to these conclusions in my life. Well, not conclusions per se, more like my life’s framework – there are no conclusions, even at death. Then last night I was watching the penultimate episode on the In Treatment DVD where Paul sees Walter for the first time; Walter, a CEO with all the ticks of a God self-image. And Paul said this:

Paul: It’s not an easy thing, developing self-awareness. Some people say that it’s… a man’s entire life’s work.

So then I tried to remember my mantra to pull myself out of the timeline and enter a more fluid space and time, where it doesn’t matter if you are 50 when you meet your son for the first time, and it doesn’t matter if you are 54 when you reach a new wrung in your spiral, what matters is that it happened.

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