Okay, here it is!
“Ask for what you want and be prepared to get it.” – Maya Angelou
I want to be healthy and my hair to grow again.
I want to sell the LaLa and be done with this dream.
I want to learn to take better care of myself.
I want to raise Tin to be loving and loved as well as self-actualized.
I want to live in truth.
I want to stop reaching backwards and forwards for my dreams, and live my dream in the now.
I want my heart to open wide so I may always love with abandon those who are worthy of my love.
I want to surround myself with evolved, loving and supportive people.
I want to be successful in my work to bankroll my retirement and Tin’s schooling and pet projects.
I want to build my spiritual home in a stress-free and loving manner.
I want my home to bring great joy in my and Tin’s life and others who come into it.
I want to travel to foreign lands – India and Africa are tops on my list.
I want to help others who are less fortunate than I am.
I want to smile and laugh every day.
I want to dance and learn new steps.
I want my new blog – transracialparenting.com – to further the conversation on racism.
I want my old blog – dangermond.org – to continue to touch others and help them on their path towards self-actualization.
I want to wake up grateful every day of my life.