Whatever happens you can handle it
I was listening to Drew Barrymore talk about her life and how her experiences helped make her stronger. Well I concur, Drew, my life has shaped me into a survivor – forget about what from – just life in general I’ve survived is all I want to say.
Today was the usual dose of the dosey doe – a little shrinking by E who continues to tell me that all the wrongheaded decisions I made were actually based on all the information I had at the time and so they weren’t wrong at the time. Then meet the landlords, get the keys, pick up doors, meet the guy with the doors, he’s late, go get keys made, they don’t make those kind, go somewhere else, etc.
But other things happened along the way. Yesterday, a new wrinkle in the house sale which came out of left field. Today, a chance meeting with a stranger at the coffee shop after signing the lease evoked other dreams on the bayou – 916 Moss Street – I said I always wanted to buy that house and turn it into my writing house and he said he had always wanted the same thing.
Life’s crazy, a friend said to me when she called from San Francisco last night. I was already in bed and almost asleep. Life’s crazy alright – crazy and insane. I spoke with a friend just now who said to me, “Doesn’t matter, Rachel, whatever happens, you know you can handle it.”
Wow, I told her, you know something, you’re right. I can.