Change is gonna get you
I kicked the Synthroid habit yesterday and now feel as if my thyroid is a big lump in my throat. I ran into a friend yesterday who got fired from her job, unexpectedly, and I said, I’m sorry and congratulations. She said she will go back to being a musician and I said you will find yourself much happier.
I’ve looked at my colleagues who have left the last company I worked at and they have regained who they are, musician, journalist, and writer. I always say that my last company brought together a group of talented creatives and then try to stomp the creativity right out of them. So even for those of us (moi) who are slow to embrace change, change is going to pry our white knuckles right off and force us to confront who we really are.
I went from frustration and boredom to overwhelming transition to following the creative path towards my heart’s desire. How did this happen? Change.
It is what it is. Whatyagonnado? Embrace it.