Ode to the Butterfly Gland

In 2007 and possibly before, I began developing Hashimoto’s Disease, which is not uncommon in women, but because the period of 2004 to 2011 was seven years of undue stress, my condition was amplified and all of my hair fell out and my energy level plummeted to zero. To learn more about the thyroid and how it is the master regulator of your entire body, watch this slide show.

My blood test last week revealed that I am overmedicated and suppressing my thyroid so I was put on a new level of medication – my seventh adjustment in seven months. Each adjustment brings with it many adjustments. For the past couple of days, I’ve been crawling out of my skin – unable to be at peace in my own body. I think that perhaps my thyroid is waking up – or at least that is what I’m telling myself. I could run on a hamster wheel and not stop for days is what it feels like.

A doctor I saw on Monday asked me how Synthroid, the thyroid replacement I am taking is affecting my mood. I just stared at her blankly – what mood? – ask me again and I’ll tell you something different. Part and parcel to my new found search into just who Rachel actually is, is that Rachel keeps changing, and like a butterfly’s metamorphosis that takes the life out of the caterpillar and injects it into the butterfly whose flight is short lived only to lay more eggs and do the whole thing over again, I’m in a constant state of change or should I call it renewal?

Brittle nails – check, weight gain – check, hair loss – CHECK, energy loss – check, dry skin – check, and on it goes, my body reads like a text book case of Hashimoto’s Disease. But my spirit reads more like a textbook metamorphosis from shedding my hair continuously like the caterpillar sheds its skin, to building a chrysalis or a home within, to emerging, wings ready for flight, and able to start life’s cycle over again.

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