Law of Attraction, Love, HeartBreak, Good girls and Bad boys

All of these are the universal elements – I speak to people in China of love – one woman tells me she loves too much, she’s too emotional, she cries and gets hurts; another says she believes the adage that good girls love bad boys and vice versa – it’s an old Chinese saying she says – I tell her it exists in every culture and repeat “Good girls get the guy, but bad girls want for nothing at all.”

The universal sentiment that who you like might not be who you love.

A man tells me, “Sometimes I get sick of the game, but then I find myself right back in it again.”

Another says to me, “I am a mess emotionally in relationships” – I tell him smart women are dumb in love.

We all agree the winners are those who compartmentalize – not us – the ones who pull and synthesize all things into one mass – the big heart as a large as a globe.

One woman says we are all alike, we have a habit and we need to break it.

There are the women who love attention, who love money, who love men, who love to love. These are universal.

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