Another day in Paradise
with Anu Garg
fool’s paradise
(foolz PAR-uh-dys, -dyz)
noun: A state of happiness based on false hopes.
Yesterday was a start over type of day, everything back to a routine. I went for a swim and was pleased when several swimmers commented that I am a “fast swimmer” – it made me go even faster.
Of course, I had gone in the morning when the blue hairs go swimming, but nonetheless, I’ll take my encouragement where I find it.
A full day at the desk made my back ache again as I have not been sitting in a desk chair for prolonged periods of time in a month of Mondays.
Meanwhile, outside, everyone is lining the streets with their arborgeden debris and the garbage cans are overflowing and fairly smelly since we have not a) had trash collection in over a week and b) everyone had rotten stuff in their fridge. Where is Sidney Torres, our handsome overlord of trash when you need him?
Still and all, towards the afternoon, someone on the phone asked me how I was faring and I said as I always do, “It’s the price we pay for living in fool’s paradise.”