Oh God help the single mother

Tin just turned three but naps that were so programmed have become a battleground. He came home today early from school with his sitter, catching me trying to get the groceries done before but no dice. Turns out he was sick, had had diarrhea in his pants and began taking them off and got that all over his bed etc. You know the drill – any of you mothers out there. But since he had crawled in his bed himself, I set about cleaning everything up and changing him, the bed, me and then putting him down for a nap. Deep breath.

Then it started, the usual ritual, he is pulling everything he has out of the toy box and shelves, jumping on the bed, sticking drumsticks in the a/c grate, tearing the curtain off the door.


Nothing working. So I went online and read that most children give up their naps at 4 years of age, although some start earlier. However, the children who do nap well are taller, have no issues with weight, and all sorts of lovely things. Only they don’t talk about the parent who every *(^*^#$# afternoon enters this nap battleground knowing that the child needs a nap, but won’t take one.

The solution – nap cages. Yes, since they are no longer in a crib, and they can easily roam the room destroying everything in sight, nap cages are the only solution.

Look for my patented product to be on the market as soon as I get over my lethargy.

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