Act as if

Remember The Secret, someone gave it to me when I had had foot surgery and was prone and had not a lot I could do but read. I read it and thought, ok, then someone gave me the video, and I watched it and thought ok. Game changer? I dunno.

Then I started thinking back to it when I stumbled onto this or that. And lately reading about Steve Jobs and how he made manifest his desire because he saw no limitations and made others believe there were no limits.

I read an affirmation today that said act as if – eliminate thoughts of conditions, limitations, or the possibility of it not manifesting. If left undisturbed in your mind and in the mind of intention simultaneously, it will germinate in the physical world.

I thought again about Steve Jobs, how he thought different, and how he revolutionized personal computing and then I thought why is he a hero? He gave us a box to be enslaved by, he then made it portable, he killed the music industry (not that it was benefitting the appropriate people), he neutralized the camera industry, and why again should we be worshipping at the altar of what was truly a very maniacal and manipulative person again?

A friend who had cancer and is now in remission, numbers her birthdays as a year(s) past that date she got cancer, it is her rebirth. She does not have a smart phone, she does not have cable, she does not have internet. She said she used to, but now, she finds no need of these disturbances in her field. She’s a musician. She makes music.

Here ye, here ye. Act as if you could think for yourself.

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