The last dog fight
Loca and Heidi got in a dog fight today, and as it has happened before it was spurred on by Loca growling at Tin and Heidi growing overprotective, but it has my nerves frayed. Or let’s just say I’m over it. I took a cat in each hand again and ejected them from the house – Bam Bam sleeping on Tin’s pillow again (where he keeps getting bug bites on his face and I can’t help but wonder if it is caused by a cat on his pillow), Blekica terrorizing Tin so that he couldn’t walk in his own room (having been scratched by her one too many times). By damn, these are cats, this is our house! Sheesh.
So it was that I heard the fight start in my bedroom and went in just in time to gather Tin and get my kitchen towel and chase Loca into the bathroom and Heidi into her bed. I’ve decided that is the last dog fight we are going to have around here because from now on they are going to be separated unless supervised.
Everyone was fine as long as the gravy train chuck wagon was rolling free, but now suddenly everyone is getting shifty, nervous they will be the first kicked off the island, and believe me right now it’s looking like a mass eviction. I’m in the mood for some beach combing, and some me me me time.
I ran into friends at the museum who seemed to see me as frazzled but I say, try ending one job, starting a new job, running a community project, steering a school committee, watching a toddler, taking care of two dogs and two cats, being sick for two months and not having seen the gym not even once in all that times except for a yoga class that felt like ground zero, and let’s see how your nerves are at the end of the day.
I’m not saying I’m sparring for a dog fight, but I’m saying, just don’t let me taste even a drop of blood.