Hang in there, baby

Five days in San Francisco and I came back feeling like a tick on a pregnant dog. Lord today, I need to get back to detox and meditation. A friend from Spain sent this photo she had taken of us on the beach, I think it encapsulates what has helped me ride the waves of 2011 that have been fraught with many uncertainties and unanswered questions – the Hanged Man was the most poignant card in my tarot reading the other night, it’s the one that says, just be Rachel, you are not going to make this happen any faster than it is and you are going to miss some of the really terrific moments if you are living for something to happen.

This is an easy task for many people except me – I’m fighting my learned nature to simply be – but I’m trying hard and beach time, friend time, family time are all reminders of how moments are better spent in the moment. So to borrow a saying from the 70s, Just hang in there, baby.

One Response to “Hang in there, baby”

  1. am i psychic Says:

    am i psychic…

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