Summer Vacation in Photos

“A good holiday is one spent among people whose notions of time are vaguer than yours.”  John B. Priestly


Enroute – as my friend Julie says, always the best part, when the whole vacation is ahead of you:

Madrid with Alejandro and Ivan and their gift to Tin of a toy clarinet:

First night in Zahara de los Atunes – Tin sleeps in a big bed for first time:

This apartment is closer to Tata’s and closer to our place on the beach:

Tin continues to be known as “el alegria de la playa”:


Pablo becomes Tin’s first manny:

Tin grows more adorable each day but the binky proves he’s still my baby:

Oscar, Rodrigo. Miguel and Estefa take care of us in such grand gallego style that we want to leave ourselves in their hands forever:

We arrive to the virgen’s procession, Carmen, and it is Carmen who bewitches Tin:

No Tangiers this year (sigh), but we spend one night in Cadiz, a magical old city filled with fairytale parks:

I arrive at the profound realization that I have lived my whole life to get to these family moments:

The coast of light is not named that for nothing – the light is transcendent:

Pablo … the answer to quien es el mas guapo?:

Of course, Tin is vying for that title every moment:

Spanish excursions have no real beginning and no clear end in sight – Bolonia to see the Roman ruins:

The best part of the excursion is the chiringuito where dining with Andalusians is always a treat:

Tin thrives on the beach:

Every question I take with me remains a question – even the ants are complicit in this design:

Bye Bye Beach Blues playing on a clarinet near you:

Madrid overnight before we leave for home – Inma comes with a toy for Tin:

Enroute home – is it possible two weeks have gone by?:

As the survey said, LOVE is the priority – our suitcase is a kilo heavier with the heart-shaped rocks found on the beach:

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