The creative bull

Okay since I got started on this horoscope thing, I might as well carry it out. I asked someone for a recommendation recently and they mentioned that I am creative – but god knows my creative spirit seems like it got doused with gasoline and lit on fire and only the embers have remained. So when I was set with a task recently, it was amazing to me how much the task whet my appetite to be creative and problem solving again. It was like someone gave me Viagra for work. Yee ha!

I had a victory today and it was one of those where a task, sparked an idea, that triggered a response, that led to a solicitation, that then led to a mutually beneficial relationship – my kind of moment.

So back to the bull and its creativity – I read this mumbo jumbo recently and decided I like it:

Taurus succeeds Aries, which represents the struggling energy eager to express itself, and experiences the newness of manifestation. The second stage in cosmic evolution is the activation of creative energy. At this stage energy eager to express itself must immerse itself in material pursuits. The energy with Aries is a vague urge. Its action is not well directed and its goal is not clear. However, the second phase in Taurus imparts a specific goal. At this stage desire is more important than action.

The bull as the symbol of Taurus shows the psychological characteristic of this sign. A special feature of the bull is its utter disinterestedness with everything that does not concern it. It approaches a cow only when she is ready to bear another calf. The bull’s mission in life is not to waste its energy but to be purposeful. For the assigned task, Taurus has immense vitality and strength. But this energy is not expended without a specific goal. The Taurus born only work when they want to attain a certain object. Under Taurus, the basic urge is to strive for creative union. Such an attitude often seems selfish. Outwardly, such a person seems listless but once their desire is aroused, whether for sex, money or social status, they approach their object with all their power.

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