Birthers and other idiots
I watched at first with fascination as Dan Happel, Chairman, Madison County GOP, talked to Anderson Cooper (the king of Endymion this year btw) about his bill he wants adopted to protect our country from non-birthers getting elected president. My mouth was agape as the interview proceeded because this guy was truly believing what he was saying – at first I thought it was Alan Abel wantabe proposing this but no, turns out there are members of the Republican party and the whole state of Montana (as evidenced by the fact that Happel was elected by them) who believe that Obama is not a U.S. Citizen and they are trying to make it a LAW in Montana that you are registered as a birther to be truly eligible to serve as a US President.
Makes me wonder who they think populated the U.S. – Indians?
Under Happel’s law, I would not be a U.S. Citizen as my father was born in Havana, Cuba. But never you mind about that because it’s highly unlikely I would get elected as a woman or a Jew to begin with, much less that I don’t meet the criteria of Happel’s birther.
I woke this morning puzzled at how to deal with idiots in general who talk and say nothing. Nothing at all. They exist in a parallel universe where they truly believe they are right and everyone else is wrong (and possibly out to get them). And the only strategy I could come up with to cope with idiots today is the Tao te Ching:
Colors blind the eye.
Sounds deafen the ear.
Flavors numb the taste.
Thoughts weaken the mind.
Desires wither the heart.
The Master observes the world
but trusts her inner vision.
She allows things to come and go.
Her heart is open as the sky.