Food fights

We’ve given up on trying to push any sort of food on Tin. He’s on his own over there in the big high chair. But if he had his druthers he’d never eat anything but a whole grain waffle, half a banana and a half scrambled egg. So every day we try something new. And blech is all I got to say.


7 Responses to “Food fights”

  1. Cassie Says:

    suggest that you try new a food multiple times. even if he refuses the first few times, he may eventually like it. my son would spit out rice the first few times we gave it to him, but now loves pretty much anything with rice in it.

  2. Ivette Says:

    I love that face!!!

  3. Rachel Says:

    Today we conquered new territory – home cooked butternut squash in the food processor and polenta – he LOVED it. Maybe he really wants to be on a Mediterranean diet.

  4. Rachel Says:

    Cassie – I heard 10 times before you give up!

  5. Ivette Says:

    buuuuut, what about the face!!! It’s way too precious. besos

  6. Rachel Says:

    Can’t wait for you to meet him in person darling – he’s gorgeous!

  7. Ivette Says:

    I know…can’t wait to squeeze him and shower him with kisses. Besos

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