Be yourself, everyone else is taken

Ever notice how sometimes when you are being truly honest, open, and yourself that you are not in harmony with the world. What is it that causes these disturbances in the field – is it that you are marching to the beat of a different drum that creates the dissonance? Maybe asserting your will into a situation that offers you no flexibility – damn if you do, damn if you don’t – is something to just walk away from – a battle that can’t be won.

I learned a long time ago that they blow the battle horn for two reasons – Charge! and Retreat!

So when you are battling a demon that keeps getting bigger and bigger – like David saw Goliath – you have to ask yourself if it is worth pulling out your slingshot and hitting it in between the eyes or just opting for a walk in the park and saying fuck it.

Maybe the best thing to do with a demon is to ignore it till it shrinks to its actual size.

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