In the gloaming

Heard some good news today – that a friend who is trying to get pregnant, is. I was in yoga, trying to stretch out the tightness in my back that is only soothed by heavy duty maintenance and the instructor – not Michelle – was talking about finding the beauty within yourself. The friend who told me about our friend said, maybe it’s a good omen for you.

Later, I was speaking to a friend about all the stuff I have going on – for my five birthday celebrations, for my life evaluations, for just about everything that I thought I had a clue about. She said, wow, Rachel, I want to be your friend.

And yet, by evening, when the sun was setting, I was again twisted into a ball and looking for a hole to crawl in. One step forward, and two back is what I felt as I was sitting down to close down my computer this evening.

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