My Brother Abdul
My brother Rafael loves camels – they are all over his house. There are wooden camels, short and tall, all over the floor, there are camels poking out of bookshelves, on pillows, everywhere. His wife, Kimberly, calls him Abdul because of his camel fetish.
I like those camels – not having thought about it before – camels are kind of cool looking.
I have an elephant thing. AA has a frog thing. My beautiful niece Nikki has a butterfly thing.
It’s interesting to see what animal people identify with and what their traits represent.
Camels are pretty pissy animals – they spit at you. That is so Rafael.
Elephants are the largest animal and they are known for not forgetting – that is so me.
Frogs are slimy – that is not AA.
Butterflies are beautiful fragile creatures and that is my darling Nikki – may she find her way soon.