The Pawn Becomes A Queen Begets a Baby
At R&A’s party last night – again, so odd being in a house that is finished, with art on the walls and candles lit, sigh, one day – A’s an artist and a framer. He had a few John Scott pieces that were fabulous but more important was his own work. He’s been working on a theme for a while now where he takes the Pawn because while most think it is dispensable, the truth is the pawn is one of the more powerful pieces on the chessboard – and the pawn is the only one that can become a Queen – the most powerful player. So his Pawn becomes a Queen but the Queen gets pregnant and spawns something more powerful. It was blowing my mind. When a man truly understands the power of birth – that itself is powerful.
R came out from LA to start a museum studies program at Southern – she was only going to stay a few years – get it up and running and go home. After Katrina, she has decided to stay. And oh what a difference to all of us to have these two are part of our fair city.