The kindness of friends

I was coming out of CVS and saw this guy put something in his pants and walk through the security doors setting off the alarms. No one did anything because the manager was actually picking up a shelf that I had dropped when my purse hit it and the cashier was busy checking someone out who was buying 10 Snickers bars. I thought people are weird.

Then I got in my truck to come back to my friend’s house and thought people are really amazing. Here my friend turned her house over to me and my friends and didn’t bat an eye. This is a woman I went to high school with and for thirty plus years we’ve been once a year catch up on the phone friends and recently in the last several years we reconnected in a stronger way.

I think of all New Orleanians of the diaspora – how people take them in and give them shelter and I’m sort of in awe of the kindness of friends.

As I started the truck I got a text from a friend back home saying “Come Home Soon.”

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