Prepare to be inspired

Today is the first day of the rest of my life, or so said my friend when she dropped me off from Zumba last night. I’m going to be presenting tomorrow at a conference for Waldorf educators and next weekend will be at a conference about undoing racism. I woke this morning and was overwhelmed with gratitude that I was able to get off the golden cow teat and get on the path that my life was meant to be on. It was nice riding the wave of cash flow for a while, but just like smoking, after the first few packs all it was doing was making me unhealthy.

I was a nomad who wound up in San Francisco right after the 1989 earthquake – a follower of natural disasters – I stayed there until I returned home just in time for the 2005 Federal Flood. I’m an adventure seeker. And so here in my natural vibration, I have once again found my calling, calling me back to the fold. In San Francisco, I went on my journey to be a writer, to be something akin to the Madonna of Fiction Writers, and I changed course so many times, I lost sight of myself. But through the school of Hard, but Fort Knocks, I came back to me.

Whew, honey it’s been a rough ride, but once you’ve ridden a bull, it’s hard to wean off of that fear of being thrown to the ground and stomped. But do it you must, my good Yoda followers.

In the summer of 2011, a pivotal time in my life, a long-time source and then life-coach told me to write a book about my experience – he said that I was more compelling than Faith Popcorn, that I had more to say about marketing a company than Andrea Kates, but this idea went into a bucket full of holes. My bucket’s got a hole in it, my bucket’s got a hole in it, I would sing to myself.

And now, my subject matter – from Rudolph Steiner’s Philosophy of Freedom, to my new blog’s dive into race and parenting, my work is pointing towards meaning while my body / mind / spirit are all converging under a great bright star.

Am I grateful that I no longer suck at the teat of the golden calf – damn straight I am. Now get out of my way as I rock it in the free world.

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