Confused, wait, so am I
I woke this morning in the grogginess that comes from when your child has not gone to bed till very late and you now have his flu and headache that he has passed onto you. I set about making coffee and cleaning up the butternut squash soup that I had attempted to make yesterday, but the oven wasn’t working so I was making it stove top, with my headache, and not feeling the love.
Today I have an appointment with my life coach and one with my therapist – after my revenue for the year got cut more than in half – I will be giving up these life support systems for a while as I adapt to the new, new economy.
And so I got my coffee and came to the sofa bed that is now my bed and I looked around. My life feels alien but not in a bad way – just in a very different sense than everything I knew before. Everything is good. Everything is what it should be. Everything is going to be okay. These are the mantras I told myself.
My horoscope this morning:
March 05, 2013
Taurus (4/20-5/20)
Sure, it might feel like everything you’re dealing with today is confusing, but it will be confusing in a very good way! Your mind will be agitated, but it will also be using its synapses in a whole new way. And just like when you use an underdeveloped muscle you can wake up feeling achy, you might feel a little mental discomfort as you try to think your way through things. But your subconscious is getting active, and you’re getting smarter!