Call me metaphysical

I was speaking with a woman the other day who described herself as metaphysical. Now mind you, I had only gotten to know this woman just within this month and I was very impressed with her life and what she had done with it, and when she described herself as metaphysical I liked that too because I too have a keen interest in knowledge that is transcendent and reality that is beyond what is perceptible to the senses.


The other day, I picked up another copy of The Power of Now after mailing my copy to a friend (it was the second time a male friend had suggested I read this book). I underlined a passage about God and what the word actually means. Tolle says the word has become empty of meaning through thousands of years of misuse – by people who have never glimpsed the sacred and by people who argue against it, as if they knew what it is that they are denying.

I liken my grasp to believing that we all come from one black woman – the mitochondria cell and in that derivation, we are all intertwined and connected that to think her suffering is not your own is a casualty of modern thought. I’m more and more impressed by people who see this connecting tissue, through all of us, and how they have vamped or revamped their life to focus in directions that acknowledge this chain of Being.

So when this woman said I’m metaphysical, I thought damn right you are, and so am I, by the way. Then I saw my friend Mudd post something about Cauldrons and Cupcakes again and I checked out the post and was moved by it. I’ve been back into meditation and I am feeling myself held in a golden light most mornings as I start my day – it has made a lot of what has happened and is happening seem minor and insignificant in context.

The people that are moving into my life are tipping me into a new consciousness that is making a lot of what came before seem absurd and trite. Right now, if you are not working on healing people, helping, healing this planet, yourself, you are not working on much I find compelling.

An ex client reached out to me and we had a back and forth email discussion. She said:

I recently went through my Linked In contacts, and counted off anyone who was unemployed, under-employed, or CEO/founder of a pseudo-business (i.e., open for business, but not really IN business).

I counted about 100 / 400 — 25%. And I think I’m pretty ‘normal’; which means that the economic drag from this highly educated / former high earners generation is going to be more far reaching than any policy-maker realizes. We have lots of company, and we’re going to create a big drag on the economy for years to come!

Now if all of these over-educated, out of work folks could began working on healing and helping matters, just think how that energy could rock our world.

Fud for Thot.

“The boundaries which divide Life from Death are at best shadowy and vague. Who shall say where the one ends, and where the other begins?”
~ Edgar Allan Poe

4 Responses to “Call me metaphysical”

  1. Mudd Says:

    Nicole is such an inspiration, isn’t she? I’ve tried meditating so many times in the past, without ever sticking to it. For some reason, she got me to commit. Nowadays, it’s natural… I’m drawn to it… I meditate every morning and lately, I’ve been meditating before going to sleep. Must say, there are significant changes happening. I need to wait and see if the changes last before I talk about them. Crossing fingers… while I cross legs to meditate β€” HA!


  2. Rachel Says:

    Mudd – I have that same fear that it will fly out and away if I talk about it. Then I think back to Dan Hedaya, my father’s cousin who my mother said used to always talk about becoming an actor and he did – he’s been in movies and television shows and so all that talk was for real. I’m hoping the changes you see on the horizon are all there to make you happier and enjoying your life to the fullest. Meanwhile, I have been using the Insight Timer app on my iPhone that my therapist recommended and I love it – it keeps me on my meditation without getting too distracted.

    Lots of love Mudd – and can’t wait to hear what is in store. Love, R

  3. Mudd Says:

    Sneak peek: It concerns my health, physical and emotional. I’m waiting at least a month before I cry VICTORY. πŸ˜‰

    As for that app of yours, I have no clue what it could be because I don’t own an iPhone or any other cell phone for that matter. Landline Lady here… lol.

    You’re always in my prayers/meditations, Rachel β€” you’re as much an inspiration for me as Nicole is. ROCK ON, SISTER!


  4. Rachel Says:

    Mudd – I’m waiting to hear about this new venture. I’m going Monday for more lab work – to see if they have stabilized my thyroid – without the lab I can tell they have not – I still nod off at red lights but now I put the truck in park when I stop. But my journey towards self-actualization is a cautionary tale, I would hope others would be inspired to take short cuts! Lots of love and keep me posted about this victory of yours. Love, R

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