How does your garden grow?

I stopped by the post office to pick up Tin’s piñata yesterday and skipped over to the empty field to pick some black eyed susans that grow wild there. People stopped and stared and one guy even asked me what they were and I said, “Blacked eyed susans” – you gonna plant them? – “No, just put them in a vase. I used to pick them as a child.”


I love this about New Orleans that there are still spaces that are wild and allow black eyed susans to grow.

I was in my mode of gratitude – abundant gratitude lately and here’s what I thought:

Thank you universe for placing me here in this apartment when I got the email that one of my clients was not renewing last Sunday. Because if I had been in the LaLa I would have slit my wrists.

Thank you liked minded people who have come into my life and let me know that I’m not alone on this journey. Ram Das said that as you move towards enlightenment you will leave many people behind, and I’m finding that is definitely the case – which at first felt lonely – but suddenly it has opened my eyes to loving, supporting, enlightened people who are coming out of the woodwork.

Thank you for having my back and helping me to acknowledge that I’m a creative person who cannot live under the auspices of convention, that I must make my living from a world I create, that I must live in a world that I imagine.

Thank you for giving me a healthy child, and a unique child, and a wonderful child. I am truly blessed beyond belief.

Thank you for helping me on my path to health, to stabilizing my body and its functions – thanks for letting me having a great shaped bald head – a perk for not having hair.

Thank you for all that I have and for all that is coming my way – I live in a cornucopia of wonderment. And I’m sometimes on my knees with gratitude.

Thank you for letting me see flowers where others see weeds.

4 Responses to “How does your garden grow?”

  1. Mudd Says:

    Amen, sister!

    What a BEAUTIFUL picture…
    Is that your new home?
    If so, WOW.


  2. Rachel Says:

    That’s the living room in the three room shotgun – it’s very cozy and warm. I’m happy – except for the mornings when I have to plunge the toilet. When I first moved in I was warned that I couldn’t live without a dryer (there is a clothes line) but since my washer hasn’t worked since I moved (repair guy coming tomorrow) I’ve proven you can live without any of it!!

  3. Mudd Says:

    Well GOR GEOUS!!!

    On being washer-dryerless = been there, done that, and yes, survived. Not only that, I once spent 3 years without a bath and hot water… with two young boys. BUT… I prefer having the little robots and all the other commodities, now. I’m through with roughing it up!

    We’ll have so much to share once I find MY new digs. I’m into A LOT of visualizing, these days… manifesting my future Home Sweet Home.


  4. Rachel Says:

    I want my washer to work! And can’t wait to hear about your new venture/digs, Mudd.

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