I have dropped OM for OOMM the last two weeks – out of my mind – the idea that we are leaving here for two months in under a week is beyond the pale.

I have so many lists, I now have redundant lists, and things that are not on the lists, and all sorts of jumbled up jumble of stuff that keeps rumbling and I’m now mumbling.


3 Responses to “OOMM”

  1. Mudd Says:

    You’re leaving for two whole months?!!!
    Nice! (lucky you)

    Lists schmists β€” just don’t forget to keep us sedentary folk entertained πŸ˜‰

  2. Rachel Says:

    Mudd – yes, my partner is teaching a summer abroad in Cadiz for a month, then we are headed about 40 miles from there to a village we have spent the last two summers at with friends, and then to Croatia to see the inlaws. It’s all mostly prepaid, and prepared, and it is part of my overall rejiggering and attitude adjustment. I can’t complain. Obviously!

  3. Mudd Says:

    I wrote a comment, yesterday, and it didn’t show up.
    So I wrote another one, and got a pop-up saying
    I was duplicating my post.

    Well, nothing has shown up yet, so I guess the
    machine was having an off day.

    Simply want to say thanks for the details about the trip.
    Today’s the big day… woo hooo yaba daba doooooo.


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