Super what?
We went over to Super Sunday today to see the Mardi Gras Indians and Tin decided sans costume that he was an Indian and he would march regardless. And so we had fun, we ran into lots of friends and it was a beautiful day and everyone was in a lovely mood. A friend is about to give birth, another seemed to have separated from her husband, and others were just out enjoying the day.
I watched a guy demonstrate to me how he could eat a crawfish with one hand, I watched my own son devour a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, then some of a brownie, then a hot dog.
But most important I went today over to what is considered a predominately black neighborhood and I marveled at how beautiful the people are, how skilled the Mardi Gras Indian costumes were, how laid back the event was, and I still find it hard to believe we are still skewing towards the dark side in crime. We ran into Chuck Perkins and it made me think of his spoken word poem that recounts we live in a city that on a Catholic holiday the Italian and Irish throw a parade but the African Americans don Native American costumes and parade on an Irish/Italian religious day. It makes all the sense in our world – right?