a shadow of what I used to be

I was looking at going out to this birthday gathering and I really wasn’t quite up for it – proving yet again that either my energy has suffered a rather sharp decline from a) turning 50, b) having a toddler, c) the lack of whatever is causing my hair to fall out, or what?

But I was playing around with the topic of opposites – such as I had lit two candles in blue slip covers on the terrace one with a glass from Burger King that had images of Spock and the other with Uhura and the female profile of Uhura was certainly beaming towards Spock’s action figure. And I watched the power of opposites tonight from our terrace with Jupiter and Venus so obvious in the sky they were almost imposing.

Tin’s lip swelling is receding, the breeze is cool, and we sat out on the terrace listening to Barry White and Love’s Unlimited Orchestra and listened to Tin through the video sing from the Allstar band, “Take a bass … Take a box, the one that rocks, … New Orleans… .

And yet it is 9pm and it feels like 1 in the morning.

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