The spirit world
I ran into a friend tonight on my way to a book reading/signing by another friend – she told me she had gone to New York and that she wanted to confide in me that something strange had happened. She had had a dream six months ago about a man, from another country, whose name was ____. She met this man in New York and decided that the spirit world had brought her there but she didn’t quite know what to make of it.
At the reading, the author said that a dream had indicated to her she should move to New Orleans before she had ever been to New Orleans. The person in the dream had said she would be a more interesting writer if she did.
I had a dream so vivid the other night that I was emotionally exhausted from it – I was deep in conversation with someone and explaining my actions and stating emphatically that I was sorry.
We all have those dreams that take us to a place we don’t want to wake from, or dreams that seem odd, or even the other day I was speaking with a friend and told her I wasn’t sure if an event had happened or I had only dreamed it and she said the same thing had recently occurred with her.
What do dreams tell us? Well they tell us we don’t know didley about the spirit world.