Detox ReTox

I’ve spent the week on Detox to come back down to earth. Mornings have been a blender with low fat yogurt, chia seeds, flax seeds, blueberries and strawberries, a dash of local honey, and some aloe juice. Lunch has been vegetarian mainly a mix of edamame, corn, red onion and red pepper tossed with rice vinegar with a splash of sesame oil, broccoli and carrots steamed tossed with lemon juice and flax seed oil, and two boiled eggs, and then dinner has been the vegetable juices that Tatjana makes – kale, beets, dandelion greens, celery, ginger, apple.

I was doing fine for three days and then by the end of the fourth I went to Whole Foods to shop for dinner we are having here on Saturday and I was ordering meat and the guy put the recently cut piece of raw red meat on the counter and my first voice said grab it and eat it. Usually raw meat somewhat repulses me but my primal canine was about to tear into that beef as if there was no tomorrow. I realized I was lacking protein or something – I had the edamame and I had the eggs but my whole being was craving meat and so I bought two strips of smoked brisket and ate them after I finished shopping. My body said, thank you, immediately,

Now it is day five and my headache won’t abate and I need to retox. My body is in dire need of four square mini meals that have some complex carbs, some protein, some fat and it wants it now.

Albeit I must say I have taken immense pleasure in cleaning out my body, my liver, my kidneys and last night on the porch after Tin had gone to sleep while everyone was having their TGIF cocktail, I was more than satisfied with my ice water with a dash of lemon. The idea of waking up on Saturday feeling refreshed and well rested seemed like a much better proposition than entering the weekend like many a Friday night goes – a couple of cocktails, food eaten too late at night, and not nearly enough water.

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