All my bags are packed, I’m ready to go

Went to Cafe de la Presse for one more of those bowl filled decaf lattes before I’m off to SFO to hopefully make my way home. Why is it that this time of year – Southern Decadence – that a storm is threatening Louisiana. It’s like it’s Ground Hog Day every Labor Day Weekend. Meanwhile, I went out with my boyfriends here in San Francisco for a night of Western Decadence and we found ourselves in the wee hours at a Bear Bar where it was interesting to see men with guts so much larger than mine trying to kiss when bellies were in the way. What’s a bear to do?

I read a funny article while waiting on my bagel with lox, yum yum yummy, by P.J. O’Rourke and thought about my journey here to San Francisco – it’s been almost a week since I left home and what I thought I was coming to do has very rapidly changed into something else. This has been an exciting week which has found me with renewed hope of having my vision match the vision of a company’s. Very exciting stuff at this Dreamforce conference. Very exciting.

At the same time, I have a lot of irons in the fire. Although the bridges are calling me, the bayou awaits me. I have already saved the url for the Conservancy I want to start – my vision to see the bayou yield fish to feed the poor in New Orleans and my desire to walk across the grass and dive into it for the sheer pleasure of being in water. That vision will be reached. But while I am meandering towards it, duty calls in the form of commerce and therein I see very bright possibilities on my near horizon.

To the world I say thank you for always putting my boots on exciting paths and for introducing me to unique, game changers in my life.

Oh, and one noteworthy remembrance of last night – 2004 Distant Bay Merlot, Washington State – I won’t even get to the gypsies we visited who wanted $150 to remove some curses (I had a similar thing happen to me in 1989 here), that’s another story.

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