Dejarse llevar

A friend had recommended Ram Dass to me as she knew I was off center, and although I downloaded Dass for my trip, I left my iPod behind. But leaving the house I was sent a book from a friend who had just visited us – The Power of Now – a book that had I not been in the state of mind I was in, I might have dismissed because of its new age vocabulary – but instead I devoured the book and its message – if you live too much in the past you live with guilt, regret, resentment, grievances, sadness, bitterness and unforgiveness – too much in the future, you live with unease, anxiety, tension, stress and worry. One of my favorite quotes, “If you have lived long enough, you will know that things go wrong quite often.” The message – do what you have to do but accept what is – and live in the now.

While Tatjana was reading an article in El Pais, she came across this quote which was fitting – the writer was speaking about Ibiza but he might as well have been speaking to me about life – “Aquí la única teoría es dejarse llevar”, decía mi amigo” – let yourself be.

In Zahara de los Atunes, the winds are all people talk about since they live on the Straits of Gibraltar where the wind determines everything. Each day some predicts whether the levante will come (kicking up the sand and bringing warmth to unbearable heat) or will it be the bajo, bringing cool air. Everyone predicts and everyone is inevitably wrong because every day the day happens as it wants with no care to predictions or design. And so the reality of what is is created anew every day, sometimes every moment and as a Course in Miracles says, “Nothing real can be threatened.”

Let yourself go, let yourself be, and leave all the rest of the details to the universe.

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